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12mm WWII en action

12mm WWII en action!


Quelques images de la plage de 12 mm d'action. Voir la gamme complète-ici.




Voir la gamme complète-ici.

18 Réponses

John R Sullivan

John R Sullivan

novembre 24, 2023

I’ve purchased a few Victrix WW2 12mm products and they’re some of the nicest stuff I have found for the prices (some folks in the business here in the US apparently have gaming fans with FAR more disposable income than most); excellent detail mixed with so many little extras-figures, stowage, open/closed turret hatches-that add to the value-I’ll now have 3 Soviet and 1 each of the Wehrmacht and FJ infantry Companies to go with the vehicles and towed stuff! Now, there’s a long-running omission in WW2 East Front/GPW forces…over a half million Red Army troops served in the CAVALRY-and they “get no respect” in the gaming community…how about it, Victrixese?

Si Brooks

Si Brooks

mai 07, 2023

These are a superb addition to 12mm gaming. Hoping to see Pz IIIs soon and eventually some 1940 French.

Robin Bracey

Robin Bracey

janvier 09, 2023

This 12mm scale WWII range is one of the best I’ve personally came so impressed by I started with two boxes ( US Infantry & German Infantry ) the detail is stunning , but i need to get cracking with some armour and then add the British infantry …… some para added all three nations would be most acceptable! :-)

Jeffrey McCarron

Jeffrey McCarron

décembre 08, 2022

I have purchased most of the German and US offerings, and am absolutely astounded at the quality of the figures and vehicles!!! Victrix is an absolute Godsend for the 12mm WWII gaming enthusiast! I could not recommend these products more! I have ordered three times, and the delivery to US is within two weeks of placing an order. Please support this company, you will not be disappointed!

Bob Roughton

Bob Roughton

août 04, 2022

Superb! I’ll second the call for some Soviet stuff. Also, would an Achilles conversion for the M10 be possible? Perhaps with a separate sprue?

Frantz Scharinger

Frantz Scharinger

juillet 11, 2022

I hope, Victrix make British crews for the Priest and M10 Wolverine, who were used in the beginning. For make the Normandy period! it will be great too to make special box with stowage



mai 24, 2022

I was wondering when we will get T34s and KV1s? I’m wanting to do kursk. We’ll, bits of it.

Simon Bishop

Simon Bishop

février 17, 2022

Excellent little models. The detail is just amazing . Looking forward to the King Tiger hopefully in the works.
Hopefully you will also do a vehicle accessories pack for Allied & Axis armour. That would really add to the details and wargames projects

Norm Smith

Norm Smith

février 15, 2022

Agree …. Outstanding.



février 12, 2022

The Puma and Priest have been a very pleasant surprise!
Waiting for more -and especially for your Soviet Infantry.
Your site is often quoted in our 1/144 BBS

Callum Buckley

Callum Buckley

février 02, 2022

These are fantastic photos.



janvier 26, 2022


Stew Bruce

Stew Bruce

janvier 26, 2022

I am pretty sure they came from this site ;



janvier 26, 2022

Excellent pictures looking like a very good ww2 project could be on the cards.

Paul barford

Paul barford

janvier 26, 2022

Great pics
Who makes the houses?

Kevin Chappell

Kevin Chappell

janvier 26, 2022

Fantastic pics. I wish you did the AFVs in 20mm scale. The buildings are awesome as well!

Thomas Schneider

Thomas Schneider

janvier 26, 2022

Looks wonderful, who is the producer of these wonderful houses?

Please publish more of these inspiring pictures.

Paul Wright

Paul Wright

janvier 26, 2022

The tanks look great. Need to get some German armour soon. The scenery is also very nice. Any tips?

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