Sales from our online shop are subject to the following terms and conditions which you are deemed to accept when placing an order. Retail Terms and Conditions (as of July 25/08).
These terms and conditions apply to all retail transactions through this site. Please read them carefully. They do not affect your statutory rights. We may change these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will take effect on the date they are posted onto the site (see date above).
It is your responsibility to ensure the information you supply to us is correct. We will tell you if your payment details cannot be authorised for any reason and may invite you to pay by another method.
Prices, Payment and Delivery All prices and charges on this site are in UK pounds. The price you will be asked to pay includes any tax (VAT) payable and delivery charge. Prices, offers and products are subject to availability and may change before (but not after) we accept your order. We accept payment by credit or debit card via PayPal at the online shop. Please see our Shipping page for latest delivery information.
Returns: We comply with the Distance Selling Regulations. A customer has the right to cancel their order, without giving reason. A customer may return any item within 7 working days of receipt, for a full refund less shipping. Note: if you fall into a FREE SHIPPING category, we reserve the right to deduct our actual shipping cost.
Missing items, damaged goods or any other disputes should be reported either by email or in writing within 7 working days of receipt. DO NOT return any item until we reply to any such communication.
We will make every effort to replace damaged goods but if replacement is not possible, or if an order is cancelled for any other reason, Our only legal obligation is to refund the full purchase price.
The customer is responsible for the costs incurred in returning the item, except in cases of faulty, damaged or wrongly supplied goods. A deduction will be made from the refund of any direct cost of collecting the goods. The goods must be returned in the condition that they were first supplied.
Please include a covering letter explaining the reason that the goods are being returned (not a legal requirement),and your full name and address. The customer will be refunded within 30 days of cancellation by the method used for payment.
Intellectual Property Our products and web site are protected by copyright and trademarks laws. You must obtain written permission from Victrix Limited to produce modify, copy or distribute any of our material for any commercial purposes. You may store information in electric form for the sole purpose of placing an order or corresponding with us. The ‘Victrix’ logo is a registered trade mark and no authority is given to you in these terms and conditions to use the logo and name of Victrix Limited.