We are pleased to finally officially announce the very exciting news that Victrix has purchased Little Big Men Studios.
As many of you know, Steve from Little Big Men Studios founded Victrix with Julian in 2008, officially leaving the business in 2014 to focus on building LBMS into the go-to brand for shield and flag transfers. Steve is the mastermind behind the design of Victrix miniatures. Over the past 10 years he has continued to research and conceptualise every Victrix set. He also manages our team of sculptors, at the same time as running LBMS, where he designs and produces (by hand) every sheet of transfers that’s leaves the shelf.
As of January 2025, Victrix will take over the production of the LBMS transfers, and Steve will officially join Victrix as Head of Design. The impact on both businesses will be incredibly positive. Steve's time will be freed up to do what he does best… design! LBMS is currently a one man band, so instead of spending the vast majority of his days printing, backing, cutting, punching & bagging transfer sheets. Steve can now focus on designing new transfers (for all manufacturers) and of course, new Victrix miniatures. A LOT more of them!
This is a very exciting time for us. Until now both Victrix & LBMS have had one hand tied behind their backs, however by taking over LBMS, we essentially unlock a vast source of creative value. This will ultimately benefit all wargamers and hobbyists who enjoy the periods and ranges both businesses already cover, plus all the new ranges yet to come.
Some words from Steve:
“After 20 years of being in business I am selling Little Big Men Studios to Victrix Limited.
To all my loyal and great customers a big thank-you for all the years of keeping a roof over my head and food on the table! It has been a great source of pride creating Little Big Men Studios from nothing and building it up to what it is today. It will carry on under Victrix and should grow to bigger and better things with myself still involved, so I could not be happier.
I will still be designing transfers for LBMS, I just won’t have to do the manufacturing. This will be done by dedicated staff at Victrix and should lead to orders going out a lot faster than I can currently achieve.
Rest assured Victrix will be selling all the transfers for every manufacturer and scale that I make, not just Victrix transfers. We would appreciate your patience as it will take a little time to get the production process streamlined and flows transferred. Everything will be up and running ASAP in the New Year. ”
2025: Next Up
Apart from the Islamic Cavalry (which are already on pre-order, due to ship when we get back from Christmas), we will be starting 2025 with a bang with 2 very big hitters. Medieval Foot Knights and 28mm World War 2 Germany Infantry & Heavy Weapons.
These will be closely followed by Medieval Foot Sergeants, 12mm Afrika Korps and 8th Army as well as new sets for both our Western and Islamic Medieval ranges, which will be revealed in due course.

We also have BIG plans for our Dark Ages range & Ancients, and who knows, we may be seeing more Napoleonics... We also have plans for brand new ranges, but we will keep our cards close to our chest on these for now.
It's safe to say that 2025 is set to be our biggest year yet and we can't wait to ramp things up and deliver more incredible miniatures to you guys.
We will be taking some well earned time off over Christmas, and we will be back on Jan 6th.
From all the Victrix team, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support, and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Frederick Hamper
January 25, 2025
Recently got into your miniatures with some of the Rus’ models, fantastic kit! Are there any plans to add East Slavic/Rus cavalry to your roster anytime soon? My Kievan Rus force needs some Druzhina support