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Victrix Medieval - Up Next

It's been a while since we've given a update on all things Medieval... there's lots going on in the background, so we thought we'd do a quick recap!

Our evergrowing Medieval and Crusades range covers the 12th and 13th Centuries, and if you include our Norman range you can start from the 1 st Crusade in the 11 th Century all the way to the last Crusader state at the end of the 13 th Century.

As you know, our Medieval mounted knights are already available, and these have been a fantastic success. The knights were our biggest release to date, and soon they will be joined by Eastern forces, starting with Islamic infantry and then Islamic heavy cavalry. 

Following not too far behind will be the Foot Knights and then later, the Foot Sergeants (new renders can be seen below, with lot's more to follow). 

But we won't be stopping there, we have some things in the pipeline for this range which will have you guys salivating! We will share these in due course. Let us know if there's anything you are hoping for... 

After the success of the Western Medieval Knights, we turn Eastwards next with the release of the Islamic Infantry & Archers set. These will be ready very soon, so be ready! 

Hot on their heels will be the Islamic cavalry, which is shaping up to be a truly magnificent set.

The Islamic Infantry & Archers:

This set comprises of 48 figures. These represent Islamic infantry of the Middle East and Spain from the 7 th Century onwards into the Crusader era of the 12 th and 13 th centuries.

This set will allow you to create spearmen, swordsmen and archers, plus you get command figure parts such as standard bearer arms, trumpets and drums to create the loud cacophony that accompanied Islamic troops into battle.

There are 22 individual heads to choose from on each frame giving you 132 heads in total!

The archer figures can be made into spearmen and the spearmen figures can be made into archers, so there is a massive amount of variation can be achieved with this new set.

A BIG range of LBMS shield transfers and flag sheets will be accompanying these new figures.

But of course the mounted Knights will not be left to fend for themselves for too long... Foot Sergeants and Foot Knights are on their way. These will be released in the new year.

We will also be adding a huge selection of new transfers for the Western Knights, allowing you to build knights from all across Europe. 

Plenty of exciting sets and news coming from Victrix in the coming months as well as an update on our brand new 28mm WW2 range and yet more in the pipeline for our Dark Ages and Ancients ranges (You don’t think we have forgotten those do you?).

If you haven't already, get your knights ready for the onslaught...

This set can be used as Knights and Men at arms that fought from the late 12 th to mid 13 th Century during the Crusades, the Barons War and the many conflicts that raged throughout Feudal Europe during this time of turmoil.

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52 Responses



March 20, 2025

6 months since mentioning upcoming medieval sets. Give us a clue as to when they’ll be available!



March 09, 2025

Oh Ancient Summerian’s would be sweet. Don’t forget the giant Anunnaki commander though. :p



March 09, 2025

Please do Pagan Lithuanians with those funky shields, I got some friends interested in Barons Wàr but they won’t play as there’s a lack of Lithuanian/Polish minis, for context my friends are Eastern European and don’t want to collect French,English or Muslim.

Brett Lagoe

Brett Lagoe

March 06, 2025

Please do
Agincourt Era and Battle of Grunwald
Late 15th century western and eastern Europe
15th century Ottomans and Byzantines

Ifan gwilym

Ifan gwilym

February 17, 2025

More dark ages range for britain would be great, something to sculpt dark ages celts such as the welsh, irish, picts, gaels, norse-gaels, strathclyde welsh etc, that would be differed from the romano stuff- to facilitate making the invading forces attacking the romano-british from the west and north (not just the germanics from the east!).

Perris Cooley

Perris Cooley

February 01, 2025

Bring on the Eastern Romans now. I would LOVE to see Tagmata, Thematic troops, and then some Bulgars and Pechenegs to battle them on the Western Front. You already make the Rus so the Bulgars and Steppe Peoples like Pechenegs make perfect sense.

Steven doran

Steven doran

January 30, 2025

Could you do a pike and shot with Janissary’s please and the Habsburg’s I think it would be very cool

Baron Baldwin

Baron Baldwin

January 05, 2025

Any update on foot knights release?



December 25, 2024

Any chance of some medieval Lithuanians /Polish for the Northern crusades? Or at least a shield pack of those funky shaped Lithuanian shields?

Ken Watson

Ken Watson

December 21, 2024

I love the 13C mounted knights and am looking forward to the next boxes in the range. An Agincourt range would probably be a dead end because the Perry Agincourt figures are excellent and supported by an extensive range of metal figures. But there is a big empty space in the 14C which is crying out for figures of Victrix’s quality.
Are there any plans for smaller scale figures? Are there technical reasons for avoiding the 10/12/15mm scales.



December 19, 2024

I really need surcoat-clad foot sergeants for the infantry(!). Not knights(!). Such a box will be useful for a huge period, from the 12th century to Game of Thrones, Warhammer, Lord of the Rings and Co. Lots and lots of different helmets, like those of the Late Roman Infantry.

Tophelms with decorations (not horns!), with heraldic figures. Animals, Cups, Weapons, etc.

Hungarians-Cumans – only cavalry. Heavy and light with bows.

Russian cavalry – yes. Can be used for mix with Muslims and Byzantines, Poles.

he Armenians will be able to dilute your “poor” box of Islamic cavalry.



December 19, 2024

You have released the rus infantry, is it time for the mounted warrior?

The crusades really needed Armenians. They fought for themselves (Cilicia) and for the Crusaders and Muslims.

Michael du Pre

Michael du Pre

December 16, 2024

Medieval archers and crossbowmen

Max Guido

Max Guido

November 26, 2024

1. Mongols
2. HYW and Late/middle-eve knights, billmen and archers
3. Huns
4. Peasants and pilgrims

Baron Baldwin

Baron Baldwin

November 24, 2024

Really looking forward to the medievals. Hope, along with the foot knights and sergeants, we get a peasant levy!

Matthías Francisco Freysson

Matthías Francisco Freysson

October 29, 2024

I’m loving doing conversations so I’m able to do a lot with your boxes. Would it be possible for you to bring a set of weapon bits? Love your work!

Matthías Francisco Freysson

Matthías Francisco Freysson

October 29, 2024

I’m loving doing conversations so I’m able to do a lot with your boxes. Would it be possible for you to bring a set of weapon bits? Love your work!

John Smith

John Smith

October 29, 2024

all kinds of Byzantines. I will buy hundreds of minis

Steve Klockner

Steve Klockner

October 23, 2024

Please do an extensive Byzantine range.

John Neicho

John Neicho

October 23, 2024

Would like to see armed peasants.



October 18, 2024

Great stuff!

Would love to see some Eastern Roman thematic and tagmatic troops!



October 18, 2024

It’d be great to see some Sea People minatures- Peleset, Sherden etc and also bronze age Hittites, Egyptian ?

G Sisson

G Sisson

October 15, 2024

Very excited for the Islamic Infantry kit, it is exactly what I’ve been shopping for recently and I’ve been left a little underwhelmed by other kits currently on the market.



October 14, 2024

Can’t wait for the islamic cavalry!

As for things I’d like to see – I’d like to echo everyone who has (and will) say byzantines.

I’d also like to expand a bit and second the chap who mentioned non-arab Subsaharan Africans (Sudanese?)

But I’d love, love, LOVE a kit representing anything special about Italians of the period – perhaps Pisan/Venetian/SIcilian Norman infantry to help represent the ‘Pisan Crusade’, 1113–1115 Balearic Islands expedition. That is a fun little footnote in the history of the period.

Torgen Hiehle

Torgen Hiehle

October 14, 2024

I would like to see a rather generic set of baggage carts that could be used for a Roman baggage train or for Normans or Crusaders.



October 13, 2024

-Caesarian Roman
-Mycenean Greek
-Sea Peoples
-Dark Age Irish
-Samurai & Ashigaru



October 13, 2024

Ottomans & Timurids

Horus Lupercal

Horus Lupercal

October 13, 2024

1: Kazars & Bulgars for use against or with The Rus.

2: Medieval Georgians

3: 1240’s Poles & Hungarians

4: Delhi Sultanate

5: Mongols

Joel Williams

Joel Williams

October 12, 2024

Fantastic range of figures!
I recommend Hungarians, from 1100 to 1526.
No other manufacturer has them
They are a good-looking army with some unique features like the shields and some of their armour.
The Szekeler light cavalry are unique and foreshadow Napoleonic Hussar uniforms
Another unique and interesting type is the German Men-at-Arms
They complement the new Rus range and have some overlapping troop types like Cumans, Tartars and sometimes the light cav fought with the Rus
It might be possible to offer some of them by providing a pack with heads/helmets and shields.
Opponents included Kievan Rus, Byzantine, French and German Crusaders, Holy Roman Empire, Mongol and Golden Horde, Teutonic Knights, and most famously the Ottomans.
They fought with and against the various Balkan states and the Habsburg empire.
From a wargaming point of view, they are a strong army in any set of rules.

Greg N.

Greg N.

October 12, 2024

I NEEEED me some Huns for the Dark Ages range! Mongols, Pechenegs, or Cumans could compliment the Medieval range just as well. If there’s one thing I love seeing on the tabletop, it’s teeming barbarian hordes!
I’ll also say it again: with the quality of your miniatures, I think Victrix could get away with a dedicated line of generic fantasy characters. Orcs vs. Vikings, anyone?

Kevin Chappell

Kevin Chappell

October 12, 2024

I would like to see personality figures: kings of Europe, Popes, cardinals, bishops, Arab leaders, Quadis, even a Robin Hood sets, one for each side.
Secondly, command groups in relaxed poses, poring over maps, etc.
Thirdly, crossbowmen and archers for the 13th-14th century.
Finally, I endorse most of the aforementioned comments.

Benedict Cross

Benedict Cross

October 12, 2024

Camel riders would be amazing!

Johan Delannoie

Johan Delannoie

October 12, 2024

I can second everything that’s said above. All of these will be exciting to build. Meanwhile, I’m imagining how you would deal with the Renaissance period. But let’s not jump the gun.



October 12, 2024

I would really love to see a 14th or 15th century knights range! Like agincourt era. These all look amazing, as always!!

Danny Boyo

Danny Boyo

October 12, 2024

Let’s, see, my top wishlist would be:
1) Sassanids
2) Thematic Byzantines
3) Later 14th Century Poles
4) Mamluk Heavy Cav & Horse Archers
5) Mongols

Lee Dobson

Lee Dobson

October 12, 2024

Some late medieval Polish and Cossacks would be great

Garth Mall

Garth Mall

October 12, 2024

Another vote for Byzantines!
Also super pumped for the stuff in preview. Ordered all the Rus when they came up.

Stephen Leopard

Stephen Leopard

October 12, 2024

Love your figures and happy with your release schedule. I would really like Scots shield transfers. Any Scots transfers.



October 12, 2024

African (non-Arab) infantry would be neat, as they fought in the crusades (in Iberia and in the Holy Land).



October 11, 2024

I’d would to see a range for the three kingdoms era of China next

Marco Severino

Marco Severino

October 11, 2024

Fabulous, cannot wait to have Islamic cavalry! And what about Sassanid clibanarii?

Benoit Bigand

Benoit Bigand

October 11, 2024

I’d like some dark ages picts, Irish, scots and welsh.

Jeffrey Caruana

Jeffrey Caruana

October 11, 2024

Excellent models! Could you please, please give us some personality figures like: King Richard, Saladin, and other leaders! It would be great

Paul Browne

Paul Browne

October 11, 2024

How about Romano-British cavalry 5th/ 6th century- Arthurian or based on the great heroic poem the Gododdin?

Jason Trevorrow

Jason Trevorrow

October 11, 2024

Please some more Imperial Romans, figures at rest and in camp. Current Romans are brilliant!

Master Wolky

Master Wolky

October 11, 2024

Optimal!! Handsome!!

For the Crusader Period also needed:
- Crusaders: Turcopoli, Pellegrini, Genoese crossbowmen and Palvesari;
- Islamic: Sudanese/African infantry, Turkmen cavalry;
- Byzantines: everything!!

For the Dark Age Period you also need:
- Gaels/Irish: with javelin, with bow, cavalrymen, light troops with packs of dogs…
- Carolingians/Merovingians and/or Lombards: everything!!

Steve mcdonnell

Steve mcdonnell

October 11, 2024

Please do a byzantine range!

Irvin Goron

Irvin Goron

October 11, 2024

Turcoman light cavalry would be great, plus as far as I’m aware no one is making Sudanese infantry for Fatimid armies so they would be welcome.

Ian Anderson

Ian Anderson

October 11, 2024

Oh boy! I really cannot wait. By far the best medieval scultps out there.



October 11, 2024

Peasants please, lots of filthy pilgrim peasants.



October 11, 2024

Very nice. I hope there will also be figures for the Baltic Crusades (Estonians, Latvians, Prussians and Lithuanians).

Des hytch

Des hytch

October 11, 2024

Fantastic news. Please please please do more Eastern European troops – maybe a Russ or Novgorod medieval set ?? Mounted and foot? Please

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