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Early Saxon Armoured Warriors

36 x Early Saxon Armoured Warriors.

We are so pleased to announce the release of our long awaited 28mm hard plastic, Early Saxon armoured warriors set.

These figures represent the Upper class Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain (or possibly this was more of a migration?) during the 4th to 6th centuries.

There is a real mix of head options and various helmet styles.

Fur cloak options have been added for some extra character. Weapons include swords, spears, javelins, hand axes and some Angons with the metal socketed spearheads.

As well as fighting the Late Romans, they were also hired by the Romans fighting as mercenaries.They fought the Romano British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain West and North.

Early Saxons tended to use a smaller round shield for parrying and punching with. They would deliver a charge, hurling javelins as they ran towards the enemy and closed with spear, sword, axe or Seax. Shield wall tactics started to come in later. We have included small bucklers but also larger round shields so customers can field whichever style they prefer.

These figures can easily be used as other Dark age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever expanding Dark age range.

What you get:

36 x armoured warrior bodies

36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter)

36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter)

84 x helmeted heads

An assortment of sword, axe, javelin and spear arms

Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
Ollie Miller
Early Saxon Armoured Warriors

Early Saxon Armoured Warriors


an amazing deal for some amazing models, slightly less amazing than the vikings kit but still a very quality deal. loads of extra bits and the models arent over-detailed but remain well defined, should be both easy to paint and rewarding to paint for unskilled painters.

Dickie Granthum
Axe! Smash! Hack!

Awesome miniatures as always - now with ARMOUR!

César Giménez
Early Saxon Warriors

The sprue comes with a lot of personality and options, they seemed like little or not too many at the beginning, but it’s because the weapons look alike (of course those were the time weapons) but they are so many poses and so many head and arm options that you can do a LOT with the kit, kitbash, other games, other historicals, even sci-fi!

The quality of the plastic is top notch, you will encounter mold lines, but they’re really easy to clean, the detail on the pieces is great.

I can’t put into words how I felt when I opened the box and saw those brand new sprues full of great options and will be full of great memories with friends! I’ll be definitely buying more stuff soon.

Alan Humphrey
Early Unarmoured Saxons

Again another excellent set of miniatures. Lots of conversion options, superb sculpts.
