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Il set contiene 3 cannoni basati sul sistema XI con opzioni per canne da 6 libbre o obice. Il set contiene 15 membri dell'equipaggio con molteplici opzioni per le braccia, inclusi spallacci e spalline con frange (queste devono rappresentare i maestri artiglieri). Ci sono anche molte opzioni per la testa con shako scoperti e coperti.
Fantastic kit, very versatile and great value.
Excellent !
Thank you 😊
These napoleonic guns were truly transformative, since receiving them I have morally improved as a person, given up heroin and joined the church as a monk, couldn’t recommend more.
I have just started again into 28mm Napoleonics and having checked Victrix, they offer excellent value for money, superb sculpts and a fast delivery, thanks
Easy to build, fantastic details and fast delivery in tact. Though I can find build instructions for the artillery, it would be helpful (especially to newcomers like myself) to provide instructions in the pack. But loving them!