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Questo è 1 foglio di disegno dello scudo gotico/germanico LBMS 3. Il foglio include 12 trasferimenti di scudo. Questi sono progettati per essere abbinati alla fanteria tardo romana Victrix.
Goth sheild designs, couldnt find any other supplier as usual Vitrix ticked the box. Great product fast delivery and great communication with the Vitrix team.
Goth/Germanic Shield Designs 3
I'm tight so I had to fight all my natural inclinations to spend out and get these shield transfers to finish off the Germanic warriors that I've been building from the Victrix Unarmoured Late-Romans set. But I'm very pleased I did. They are cracking designs and really do add the icing on the cake on some superb figures. I've got all three of the Goth/Germanic Shield Designs sets and they really are superb. If you're going to put the effort in to build and paint the figures as well as you can then get these as they really are the business!