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Infanterie bavaroise

Cet ensemble comprend 58 chiffres très détaillés.Ces chiffres représentent l'infanterie bavaroise de 1809, lorsqu'elles ont adopté davantage d'un kit de style français au lieu du sac à dos et de la guêtres englouti.

Qu'y a-t-il dans la boite?

La panne est la suivante: 36chiffres de marche, 16 chiffres de tir, 4 commandes, 2 colonels montés.

58 x chiffres

32 x unités de marche

16 x unités de tir

4 unités de commande x

2 x colonels montés

Customer Reviews

Based on 61 reviews

Bavarian Infantry

Andrew Robinson
Great Bavarians

Bavarian Napolionic Infantry figures are great models, well packed and great communication.

Max Wyatt
Fantastic set

Parts fit together exceedingly well and the detail is very crisp and good. Would recommend. The inclusion of mounted officers is a nice bonus.

Russell Rawson

Great kit!

Joseph Malit
Bavarian infantry

I was building 1805 Victrix French and Austrian armies and purchased a bag of Bavarians out of curiosity. Very impressive improvements over the earlier figures: the bayonets are quite sturdy with no casting channels to cut off, which is one of the annoying things with the French infantry. Also, there are enough extra heads and helmets to convert other Victrix figures to Bavarians. With slight modification, the late French artilllery (in Bardin jackets) can by turned into Bavarians. The French lancers, with a bit of carving, can be turned into Bavarian chevaulegere. As some of the officers' heads/helmets will need to be used for artillery and cavalry officers, I used the Austrian colonel's heads (in bicorne) to make Bavarian mounted generals.


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