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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour commencer à jouer à un jeu de 12 mm. Cet ensemble a été conçu pour vous permettre de jouer au nouveau commandant de compagnie AR Game.
Site Web Commander Company - https://digitalwargaming.com/
Cet ensemble comprend:
92 x Infanterie britannique (2 images)
92 x Infanterie allemande (comprend des armes lourdes d'infanterie) (2 images)
4 x M4A3 Sherman (2 images)
4 x Panzer IV H (2 images)
2 x feuilles de décalcomanie
* Jeu acheté séparément sur l'App Store. Essai gratuit inclus *
Téléchargez le commandant de l'entreprise en utilisant le code QR ci-dessous:
My WW 2 Starter Pack is great. Good detail. The vehicles are easy to assemble. You can judge a company by how they handle problems. Through some oversight my pack was missing the German infantry sprues. Contacted customer service and my sprues are on the way. I’ve since ordered more infantry and vehicles. Thanks Victrix.
Great value for the money; I would be be very happy if you could rescale the figures and lauch them in 1;72. I would be a buyer, cause I love the variety and the quality of the poses :)
Crisp details for such a small scale and easy build vehicles. A great buy for starting out or to fill out your forces
Have not done any modelling for many years, thought I would give it a go with your pack. Excellent quality mouldings and a good mix of vehicles and figures to go at-any thoughts on doing modern era models in a pack?
Highly recommend