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Cet ensemble comprend 30 miniatures en plastique très détaillées. Que vous les utilisiez dans le cadre de l'empire achéménide ancien ou tardif, les lanciers blindés sont une unité essentielle dans toute armée perse. Utilisez la formidable combinaison de la lance et du spara pour tenir votre ennemi à distance.
Wanted to do a Jason and the Argonauts diorama for ages, The Persian Infantry will be just the job for the Colchis troops
The models themselves are great quality, highly detailed and good value for money, the delivery was also prompt and communication was good throughout
Fantastic value for money, the models are such high quality and have some good build options.
One criticism I would have that is more of a personal preference is, that there are not enough shield in the box to have all units with the same of certain types and I wish there was enough heads with face covers for every model. I'd happily pay a little more for this for those extra options added into the box.
But even with saying that this is still a 5 star set for me :)
Persian Armoured Spearman
I’ve been waiting a very long time for Achaemenid Persian miniatures and these are perfect!