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Foot Knights

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COMING SOON: Medieval Foot Knights!

A lot of you have been asking are we going to be doing Foot knights and Medieval European foot troops to go with our Medieval mounted knights? There will ultimately be 8 figures on the Foot knights main frame, so not long to go until it is off to be laid up and tooled.
There will be 5 knights in surcoats and 3 in all mail. Surcoats were not universal during the early to middle 13th Century. Surcoats were more widespread in the Crusader states earlier on probably due to Islamic influence and became more widespread in Europe over time to help denote a knights’ coat of arms.

This set will have plenty of arm, weapon and head options with a wide variety of helmet styles including some Kettle helmet styles and arming caps, plus you will be able to mix in parts from the mounted knights and the upcoming Fantasy Medieval heads frame.
Weapons include swords, axes (both single and double handed) spears, maces and an unusual weapon called a Batwing cleaver (looks a bit like a brutal fish slice!) Type it into Google and you can see some Medieval illustrations of the weapon.

There will be a wide variety of poses with some great movement and dynamism, and we have really tried to get movement into the cloth skirts of the surcoats. We have overcome the solid plastic fills you often see on other models with some very clever modelling and fit and function on the lower skirt areas.

It is a great set and we have really enjoyed the research and design of these models. And of course there will be plenty of shield transfers and flags to come from LBMS.
Once these are done in a couple of weeks we will start on the other Medieval foot sergeants armed with a variety of weapons. We have a lot of reference already but if anybody wants to send us more imagery we can draw inspiration from it is always welcome.

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