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British 8th Army Infantry

WW2 12mm/1:144th scale - British 8th Army infantry & Anti-tank Guns:

This 164 figure set contains all you need for a British and Commonwealth infantry company and heavy weapons platoon.

You can use these for the North African campaign 1940 to 1943 to the invasion of Sicily and southern Italy fighting the Italians and Germans and also fighting the Japanese in Southeast Asia.

What do you get?

  • 80 x Riflemen
  • 8 x Thompson submachine guns
  • 12 x Bren gunners
  • 4 x Antitank rifles
  • 4 x Mine detectors
  • 8 x Officers
  • 4 x 2inch Mortar teams
  • 4 x 3inch mortar crews
  • 4 x Radio operators
  • 4 x 2pdr Antitank guns

Adding the 2pdr Antitank guns is a new innovation for this set which adds a bit of extra firepower for your infantry.

The detail and animation is really superb on these little fellas, from bayonet charges to advancing to firing their weapons in varied poses.

This is the first infantry expansion into the North African campaign and will be shortly followed by the Afrika Korps. We already have German Panzer IV’s, 88mm Guns and Bren Gun carriers can be used in the desert and we will follow this up wit extra vehicles for the British and Germans and Italians.

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