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Frühe kaiserliche römische berittene Generäle

Dieses Set enthält 12 äußerst detaillierte 28-mm-Miniaturen. Zu den Berittenen Generälen der frühen Kaiserzeit gehören Generäle, Legaten und hochrangige Zenturios. Es gibt viele Kopf- und Armoptionen, während die Rüstung und das Pferdemobiliar sehr detailliert und kompliziert sind. Denken Sie daran: Führung ist alles auf dem Schlachtfeld.


Was ist in der Box?

12 x Figuren

3 x Körperoptionen

5 x Kopfoptionen

3 x Pferdeoptionen

12 x Schwerter ohne Scheide

12 x Umhänge

4 x Schläger

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
mauro ferroni
Early Imperial Roman Generals

Excellent product, really beautiful and precise in detail. The only shame is the lack of an assembly worksheet. Still really fantastic. Well done, very good indeed
Mauro Ferroni

Antichi Emilio
Very beautiful figures

The Roman army since a children was my gift model from my father in small plastic scale this is the begging of an imperial Roman army

Charles Weaver
Great figures!!!

These are great figures with countless variations possible. Some are already painted, based an on the game table right now. Charlie

Reinhard Puhm


David Montague
Excellent models for conversion!

These are excellent figures. The trouble is with Victrix is that they keep releasing more figures for existing ranges and adding new ranges! This only adds to an increasing number of my projects in progress for assembly and painting. Can't wait to see the medieval range! Long may it continue!


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